Despite the fact that many individuals find essay writing intimidating, it is really rather simple. On this page, you’ll find a generic formula for writing an essay that may be used to a wide range of academic fields (including philosophy). For middle school, high school, and lower college students, it should serve as a useful resource. An argumentative essay, in which you fight for anything, even if it’s simply your own interpretation of a piece of literature, is what I’m envisioning.

To be clear, these principles are only a starting point for you. Your teacher may have a different set of questions. If your teacher hasn’t provided any specific instructions, these recommendations should serve.

The structure of an essay

There is a logical structure to an essay’s fundamental structure. Let’s begin by looking at the most basic form of an essay. There are three major components of your paper:


Introduce your subject and offer a thesis statement in the opening section. For a short paper, these two duties should be completed in a single paragraph, but for a lengthier paper, they may need many paragraphs. Please visit for more details.


At least a few paragraphs should be devoted to proving your thesis statement, therefore be sure to include justifications, facts, arguments, and so on in the body section. Here, you have the opportunity to explain, support, and defend your argument (whatever it may be) in great detail.

Topic sentences and maybe transition sentences are required for each paragraph in the body section. The paragraph’s subject phrase is the main point you’re attempting to get over in it.. Mini-thesis statement, you may say. There are rare situations when the first sentence of a paragraph is suitable, although it is generally the first sentence. Each paragraph’s ideas are linked together with a transitional phrase that makes the transition from the preceding paragraph as seamless as possible. First or final sentence might be used to introduce a new paragraph, depending on what you choose. It is a good idea to have each paragraph explicitly express how it supports the thesis statement in order to tie everything together in the body section. All your paragraphs will be clearly connected in this manner. The first sentence of the paragraph may be able to accomplish both of these objectives. A subject phrase that also functions as a transition is possible, for example. Another alternative is to begin with a transition sentence and then introduce the main idea in a new sentence.

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An essay’s summary part, sometimes known as the “conclusion,” serves as a quick reminder of the points made throughout the body of the paper. To support your thesis statement, you might begin this paragraph with a slightly altered version of your thesis statement and then offer a few phrases that summarise what was mentioned in the body of your paper. Short papers should only include a one-paragraph summary section, while lengthier papers may have longer summaries. A summary part is unnecessary for short papers, according to some teachers.

If you want to make your paper easier to read for both you and your reader, be sure to include these section names as the document’s headers. If your professor doesn’t want you to use headers in your work, just remove them before printing it out and submitting it. Adding extra headers, or even sub-headings, to break up the body section (such as “First Argument,” “Second Argument,” and so on) is also beneficial for lengthy papers.

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