6 Growth Marketing Strategies for an eCommerce Website

Whether you have a new startup or own a long-standing eCommerce store, you want your business to grow, and like other things in this world, it looks and sounds easier than done.

There is no magic formula in growth marketing for an eCommerce website, but you can always growth marketing try and develop strategies that increase sales besides hiring specialized growth marketing agencies.

To get started, here are some of the best marketing strategies you can use to fuel the growth of your eCommerce website.

1. Play Around with Email Marketing

Though new players try the latest methods and tools, email marketing remains a powerful technique for consistent growth in the eCommerce landscape.

Over 55% of marketers admit that email drives the strongest ROI for their business. Email marketing has several best practices and tactics for guaranteed results. However, the two primary strategies are – Trigger Emails and Marketing Emails.

Trigger Emails

These are emails sent in response to some actions users take. A welcome email is the best practice that helps introduce new prospects to your brand and products. These emails are also a great start for a drip campaign.

Another type of trigger email is transactional, often sent to confirm transaction details. A good practice is to prompt buyers to leave a review for the product.

An abandoned cart is a common occurrence in eCommerce. This type of trigger email helps reminds the customers of products they are interested in and helps keep the brand in mind.

Milestones help build long-lasting relationships with customers. They are a great way to extend an offer as well.

Marketing Emails

Having an email of a potential customer is valuable because you can use it to engage them in various ways. Using the tactics properly is crucial to growing your eCommerce store.

You can send them an email about the latest product launches to build excitement around your offerings and even reward loyal customers by giving them early access.

An email list is also helpful for sending information about flash sales/promotions to drive prospects to make their first purchase.

Apart from these, you can send occasional content updates to your email lists to provide value and remind them of your brand.

2. Focus on SEO and Content Marketing

As most people today conduct an online search before purchasing a product, SEO remains an unavoidable growth strategy for eCommerce businesses. There is so much marketers should be aware of when it comes to doing SEO right. However, the success of this strategy revolves around content.

Even when you optimize your product pages for keywords, there will be many search queries you will want your site to rank for. This is where a blog proves to be an effective tool.

Develop content that answers common questions people have about the industry or product. When your page ranks for relevant queries, potential customers navigate to your website and find the products they are looking for. Another component of SEO marketing strategy is listings.

They offer a free place for extra exposure but should be done right to drive traffic. Experiment with images, descriptions, and headlines and add reviews to catch attention. These listings are competitive and need some effort to deliver results but pay off in the long run.

3. Advertise on Social Media

Social media has, over the past few years, become an inevitable part of digital marketing. The growing popularity of these networks makes it clear that it is one of the most effective eCommerce growth strategies.

See also  What Is The Most Effective Way To Build And Monetise An Email List?

As the biggest websites like Facebook and Instagram collect the highest amount of data, there is no need to worry about finding your target audience. Simply upload your email lists, and the platform will target users with similar tactics.

However, ensure that you refresh your audiences frequently as your target groups can change with your business. Also, test groups of audiences to learn what type of people convert the most. Use Facebook Insights to get an overview of what your followers are most interested in. Select the right type of content depending on the platform and audience for guaranteed results.

4. Use Retargeting Ads

Retargeting ads are great at capturing visitors who came to the website and left without making a purchase. This growth strategy works by tracking users visiting your eCommerce site and then displaying ads of the products on other places they visit.

These types of ads are powerful because they advertise what users are interested in. Retargeting helps win back up to 27 percent of lost prospects. These ads target a warmer audience and not a cold one, so they are more likely to succeed.

While the most common retargeting practice is to display the products the visitor is interested in, you can also use discounts and limited-time offers to encourage them to act. Retargeting is one of the most powerful strategies to deal with cart abandonment.

If the user has come far enough along the checkout process, a follow-up email can be used to get them back to the cart and complete the purchase.

5. Leverage Affiliate Marketing

One of the most proven eCommerce growth marketing strategies, affiliate marketing involves connecting with marketers to increase sales. As these affiliates are paid based on their performance, this strategy involves less risk than many others.

It is quite easy to implement this technique with the help of affiliate marketing networks. You can decide the percentage of commission you are willing to offer these affiliates for making sales.

Another significant component of this strategy is influencer marketing which has recently grown into a multi-billion-dollar industry in itself.

Research the marketplace to find popular people within the niche and connect to them for your product promotion. While some influencers may work like affiliate marketing networks, others may demand a flat fee or free products.

6. Create a Referral Program

An old but effective marketing strategy is to set up a referral program. There are hundreds of classic examples that feature referral programs as their fundamental success mechanism.

Launching a program that rewards customers for referring the business to others has twofold benefits. Not only do you get the details of new prospects, but you also get a chance to impress existing customers with rewards for referring.

What makes this strategy so appealing to eCommerce businesses is the fact that they follow a simple process and are cost-effective to implement. However, ensure you offer rewards relevant to the user base to make the program successful.

If you want your business to grow then you can visit to our website.

Final Thoughts

There is a plethora of channels and strategies you can use to boost online sales. As technology advances, the complexity of eCommerce marketing will only increase.

While these fundamental of email marketing metrics provide a great starting point for eCommerce business owners, they can also be quite daunting. Amura Marketing Technologies is a leading growth marketing agency that can spearhead your entire growth marketing needs, letting you focus on your business.

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