Both the business and consumer sides of the equation agree that the mobile-first approach is here to stay. It would be a vast understatement to claim that users consult their mobile devices before making a purchase. All throughout the world, mobile internet usage has exceeded desktop mobile usage. Still, mobile media consumption outpaces mobile ad spending. 

40% of users, according to statistics gathered by Google and SOASTA, abandon a page that takes more than three seconds to load. IT outsourcing companies suggest when calculating the bounce rate for mobile web pages, speed is a key component. Optimize your landing page experience using AMP to stand out from the crowd.


Accelerated mobile pages (AMP) offer quicker load times than normal HTML5 documents because they are simply HTML clones of existing internet content. Through the incorporation of the rel=amphtml tag into their HTML, websites can provide AMP pages. A three-step AMP configuration is present on pages having AMP code. Additionally, AMP decreases the need for extra CSS requests and gets rid of some on-page elements like big graphics, CTAs, and a lot more backend code. 

Primarily, AMP shortens the time it takes for a webpage to load by as much as a second by activating AMP caching. To put it simply, Google makes use of this functionality by preloading AMP publications using a single iFrame in the background of a search results page, giving the impression that sites load instantly. Additionally, one may download AMP papers straight from the library’s host server. Any digital product engineering company will get benefitted when they use the AMP format to produce mobile pages, you get:

Flexibility and results. Companies can choose which technology providers to work with while preserving and enhancing KPIs. They can also choose how to present their content.

AMP open-source project pages load almost instantaneously, providing visitors with a smoother, more engaging experience on both their mobile and desktop devices. This results in higher performance and engagement.



In essence, AMP HTML is just HTML with some limitations for dependable performance. The majority of tags in AMP HTML are standard HTML tags, although some HTML tags have AMP-specific tags in their place. These unique tags, referred to as AMP HTML components, make it simple to execute typical tag patterns in a performant manner. The HTML tag helps search engines and other platforms find AMP pages.

2] JavaScript AMP (JS)

The quick rendering of AMP HTML pages is always guaranteed by the AMP JS library. A quick page rendering gets ensured by the JS library’s implementation of all the AMP’s best performance standards, including inline CSS and font triggering. This controls resource loading and provides you with custom HTML elements. Nothing on the website can prevent anything from rendering because the AMP JS makes everything from the external resources asynchronous.

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3] Cache AMP

Cacheted AMP HTML pages serve using the Google AMP Cache. All legitimate AMP documents get transferred via the proxy-based content delivery network known as the AMP Cache. The Cache automatically enhances page performance by retrieving and caching AMP HTML pages. to continue working at full capacity The page, JS files, and all pictures get loaded by AMP Cache from the same origin through HTTP 2.0.


As a result of its speed-oriented design, AMP loads swiftly. Because AMP HTML is more simplified and was initially created expressly to assist developers in avoiding common coding errors that result in delayed page loading, browsers have an easier time comprehending it. Even better, Google AMP Cache can be useful to serve AMP pages directly. The landing page’s cached version, which has the quickest loading time, will be getting served by Google whenever it can. 

Your AMP landing page will load from your web server if the cache is unable to deliver the request. Even though serving from the cache is faster, this is still a lot quicker than the typical non-AMP landing page. You may use the AMP principles in the new Google Advertising experience by developing AMPHTML ads.


1] Traffic and SEO Ranking Growth

Enhancing the surfing experience is one of the best methods for website owners to increase visitors, and AMP’s emphasis on lightweight content achieves this goal. Additionally, by reducing page load times, site owners can enhance user experience and raise the likelihood that visitors will stay on their pages for longer periods of time. 

Since Google is leading this endeavor, AMP pages are always on priority in their search algorithms and have a favorable impact on search engine results pages. Page load time also plays a significant part in SEO (SERP).

2] The Google Search Top Stories Carousel Feature Increases the Click-Through Rate (CTR)

The fact that AMP displays pages in the Google Search Top Stories carousel are one of its biggest advantages. The carousel is visible at the top of all searches when users conduct content searches on their mobile devices, enticing them to click this material first. Website owners with AMP pages gain from the carousel since their material gets presented first, but it also motivates non-AMP owners to concentrate on creating sites that are user-friendly for mobile devices. As more websites continue to roll out their own versions of AMP, the advantages of AMP will continue to grow.

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