Pros and cons of Node.js Trends that will dominate in 2021

Javascript is one of the most popular programming languages, and it is often used in multiple techniques of computer programs development. Thus it becomes essential to hire a node.js programmer for the javascript programming. It was initially used as a web-frontend advancement tool, but presently this tool is developed into a critical cross-platform portable advancement device.

In this form, it is used as essential innovation for multiple range stages that include Apache Cordova/PhoneGap, Respond Local, Native Script, and Appcelerator Titanium. But today, JavaScript is not limited to a programming language; now, the server side-development of JavaScript has evolved the technology of Node.js. This technique signals the transition of web development.

Node.js provides a runtime environment based on the V8 JavaScript engine of Chrome instead of framework or library. Multiple successful businesses widely accept this technology, like Uber, eBay, Walmart, Netflix, and many more to mention.

This Node.js technique of JavaScript has come into focus since 2017. As per the reports of Google Trends, Node.js became famous in 2017, and for their development, various Node.js development companies have been established.

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Pros of Node.js trends that will dominate in 2021

According to the reports of Node-by-number 2018, Node.js has more than 300,00,000 downloads and 750 new contributors and stands alone in the market, and has now become very popular among JavaScript developers.

For backend, Node.js offers various benefits such as:

  • Sharing and recycling of codes.
  • Easy understanding
  • Multiple free tools
  • Good speed and efficient performance

Besides these benefits, it has some more advantages for backend use:

  • V8 Engine 

The implementation of the V8 engine is the best part of Node.js. This engine was developed for the Chrome browser. The V8 engine of Chrome is written in C++ and is used for multiple functions. These functions are written in JavaScript into machine code and offer the best speed. Even Google is also investing in its engine due to its fantastic performance and timely improvements.

  • Handle the asynchronous and non-blocking input or output request 

Node.js prevents delays by processing requests of the user. The synchronous processing shows the code execution in a proper sequence in backend development. That is how each request is blocked and requests others to wait until the first one is finished.

On the other hand, asynchronous processing permits the requests without blocking the thread. This way, it pushes out a callback after processing the request and further continues their request service.

This feature helps Node.js for short response results and concurrent processing. There are many leading companies who prefer Node.js applications to notice significant improvisations. The companies like PayPal have seen a 35% decrease in response time after migrating to Java.

  • Scalable technology for micro-services 

This technology of Node.js is light weighted and the best choice for micro-service architecture. The micro-services do not create a single and sizable monolithic core but break the applications into logical and smaller modules.

The breaking of the applications offers fantastic flexibility and better groundwork for future growth. That is the reason that adding more microservices on top of the existing application becomes more straightforward rather than integration of extra features with better functionality of the basic app.

As per the reports of the Node.js User Survey, the ecosystem of microservices is optional, and more than half of respondents are using this technology for the development of Node.js web apps.

In the form of live implementation, the micro-services architecture of Node.js has the following immediate advantages:

  • It increases the conversion rate by 20%, with a 98% mobile conversion rate right after use.
  • It is handling more than 500 million page views, thus offering 100% uptime on Black Friday.
  • It saves almost 40% on hardware and 20 to 25% over other operations.

Rich Ecosystem 

NPM is a default Node.js package manager that serves as a marketplace for open-source JavaScript tools. This npm plays a significant role in the improvement of this technology.

The npm registry consists of 836,000, and more than 10,000 new libraries are being published every week, which makes Node.js a technology-rich environment for developers. As per the sources, more than 95% of modern web applications consist of npm modules.

Npm Module has a wide range of free tools accessible in a few clicks that offer vast potential for Node.js. On the other hand, the open-source software offers enhanced popularity that brings a new solution for the deduction of the overall developmental costs and time to market.

  • Effortless support of JSON
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Node.js supports JSON format for the communication without converting them into binary models and uses JavaScript. But other backend technologies like PHP and Ruby on Rails use JSON for communication purposes.

The JSON format is more handy and straightforward for developing RESTful APIs for the support of the NoSQL database. For example, MongoDB in which M stands for MEAN stack. Thus the ecosystem of JavaScript offers the standard transfer of primary data for seamless communication.

Cons of Node.js trends that will dominate in 2021

It has the considerable possibility that beneficial technologies like Node.js may have some cons too. Node.js have some following disadvantages that create obstacles:

  • Call Back hell issues

Node.js has an asynchronous nature, which is the biggest problem for programmers. Node.js is dependent on heavy callbacks. That is the feature processed after every task in a straight row after finishing the first one. The programmer may face callback hell by keeping numerous pending jobs in the background along with its callback.

This Callback hell results in bad code quality. Simply it creates a situation in which callbacks are nurtured with more callbacks of more profound levels. Thus it becomes complicated to maintain an understanding of codes.

This feature is not a reliable sign of poor standards of coding with a lack of experience in JavaScript and Node.js in particular.

  • Immaturity of tooling

Whereas the modules of Node.js are stable and considered as mature in terms of features and services. But besides this, there are many tools in the registry of npm that have lousy quality standard and non-tested documents. The registry is not well structured to offer the best tools depending on their rating or quality. Thus, it makes it challenging to find the best solution for your issues.

Everybody knows that the ecosystem of Node.js is an open-source platform and affects programming. Although, the quality of Node.js code technology is supervised by Joyent and other professional contributors. But the rest of the tools may lack good quality and high coding standards set by the global organization.

  • Continuous demand for experienced professional 

Not all Java developers are Node.js developers as it is very complex to handle both of them simultaneously. Although, mastering the server-side JavaScript programming language needs a high level of effort and a particular background for backend development.

A curve in this language learning is the main reason for decreasing no. of engineers of Node.js compared to the total no. of professional engineers of JavaScript. But, Node.js is continuously growing, and the demands of experienced professional engineers in this field are increasing day by day.

However, there are many professional developers of JavaScript, but it isn’t easy to find experts of Node.js developers for the project. Thus the majority of the IT industries are now hiring Node.js professionals from Node.js development company of foreign countries. So do not limit your search for Node.js developers within boundaries.

  • Bad performance of bottlenecks with heavy computation tasks

This is one of the most significant drawbacks of Node.js that restrict the process of CPU-bound tasks. For a better understanding of root issues, you need a little context. JavaScript is a front-end programming language that uses threads for quick task processing.

However, it is not compulsory for the work because the tasks are lightweight for JavaScript and take little CPU. Node.js is considered single threaded because it processes JavaScript, which is also single threaded.

The meaning of the input or output model is that Node.js asks the clients to start a request and begins the task process at the time of the shoot callback when the task is completed. The asynchronously processed task executes Node.js on a single thread at the basis of the event, and this is called event-loop.

Final words

Along with the given pros and cons, the ecosystem of Node.js is gaining popularity in significant traction due to the presence of its features and efficiency. There are many companies that are hire Node.js programmers to develop platforms for global brands.

They are offering good growth of framework. At present, Node.js is widely used in multiple enterprise-level software, and this enterprise ecosystem is offering various tools such as IBM API connect, Triton by Joyent N/Solid by Node Source Red Hat OpenShift, Trace. Many to count as many reputed companies like NASA and Capital One are adopting Node.js with open arms.

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