Establishment of Effective Communication

It is very important to establish effective communication in the young age of the child for his/her development and future learning. The communication level a child achieves in his/her tender age remains with him/her whole life. It is also proved in many studies that communication between student and tutor is the responsible factor for the bond between them and further the level of teaching and learning between them. The reason behind weak motivation and inspiration level of the students is lack of good communication between students and tutors. According to many scholars the rate of success of the student’s is directly related to the effective communication of the students because with the help of effective communication they are able to communicate to various tutors in order to attain knowledge and information of the different field. In order to make students overall brilliant tutors need to have deep and good communication with the students. For example, ERP for school makes sure that there should be no communication gap between students and tutors and ERP for school also arranges group discussions and speech sessions so that communication level of the student can be improved at all levels. Students always have a lot of queries but all of them are not so comfortable to share all their queries in the crowd of students due to which they are not able to get solutions to all of their queries and get less marks in the class. So, lets’ have the same information about the establishment of effective communication in the class. 

For creative effective communication in the classroom the first most important thing for the tutor is to create a safe and protected environment in the class. There should be such a safe environment in the class that students should be able to ask their queries and express their thoughts easily without any hesitation in the class. Students should not have a judgemental atmosphere. Making students feel safe and relaxed and allowing them to share their thoughts and make them take the initiative in any activities is the best way to promote effective communication. Students should be given more and more support by the tutors in the learning, in and after the class also makes their interest stay awake in learning. One more thing is how far a student can interact with tutors only. He/she will have to interact with some other people like peers and parents so the student should not feel bad and on the basis of the same concept tutors need to make students enjoy teamwork by making small teams and giving them different projects and assignments took on where the target will be achieved only if the students work as a team with collaboration of each other which will improve their communication skills. It is just like LMS portals which play a vital role in online learning and it is so because LMS portals make online learning safe and easy.

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Teachers usually these days have started behaving like an employer who is only concerned with the output and results only rest he or she doesn’t care about. In the same way tutors are these days just benchmarks producers who hardly concern with the condition and problems of the students which is not good for the growth of pupils. What is needed is appreciation, tutors need to give students positive feedback and should appreciate the efforts of the students as much as possible. Tutors need to understand that criticism is good for the students in order to motivate them for achieving their goals but that should be also in a positive manner not insulting which can demoralize the students. In order to communicate with students effectively that tutor should use his or her complete body language even the way of standing and walking matters a lot so tutor should not be standing at one place like a statue instead he or she need to stroll in whole class addressing each and every student while making eye contact so that tutor can grab the attention of every student and this will be a good an effective communication strategy. Apart from this effective communication needs both important ingredients. For effective communication, the tutor needs to have active listening skills so that students can elucidate their problems and the tutor can listen to them with patience in order to give proper solutions to them.

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