How to Choose The Right Color Palette for A Brand: Psychology of Color

Research by psychologists shows that 90% of information about a person or a product we receive in the first seconds of communication with them, and in 62-90% of cases the impressions received are based on color. 

You see what CasinoChan has done with colors to create an interesting playing environment, right?

The choice of color can seriously affect the company’s reputation and sales volume. 

The color of the logo determines what associations the brand will cause. Well-known brands have well-thought-out associations that have a psychological impact on consumers.

Shades and their combinations create the appropriate sensations. The color should emphasize the individuality of the brand, and make it unique in the eyes of the consumer.

What do we know about the meaning of colors?

Let’s try to conduct a more in-depth analysis: how well-known brands that spend billions on marketing strategies use the palette. 

The analysis of the 100 most popular brands gives the following results:

  • 95% use only one color in the logo
  • Yellow color occurs in 11% of cases
  • Red is chosen by 29% of brands
  • Preference for blue is given by 33% of brands
  • 28% chose shades of black or gray

What does this mean?

The predominance of one color is obvious – mainly blue, red, black, gray.

Each color has characteristics and is perceived in its own way. That is why it is important to find the answer to the most crucial question: what impression do you want the logo to convey, and based on the answer, what color to choose. 

Լet’s focus on the most common colors․

  • Blue

The color blue has the following meanings: durability, trust, reliability, honesty, peace of mind.

As you can see, blue is very often used by Internet brands and financial institutions.

  • Black

The color black evokes such feelings as luster, gleam, luxury, style, and prestige.

Most logos were originally designed in black and white.

Luxury brands favor black, which they sometimes mix with different colors.

Black is a “strict and disciplined” color.

  • Red
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Aggressiveness, passion, omnipotence, empathy, enthusiasm, energy, ability to impress, activity, attention, and courage: these are all associated with red.

The most common combination of red is with black and white.

Red seems to give a stop signal.

The “Marlboro effect” is a phrase that refers to the combination of red and white. It’s the most attention-grabbing combination possible. It’s for this reason why politicians favor it: a white shirt and a red tie.

  • Yellow

We associate yellow with joy, art, self-confidence, progress, optimism, logic, and clarity.

Because yellow is so bright, it is rarely used by itself; instead, it is complemented by other colors.

  • Orange

As you might expect, orange represents enjoyment, energy, the desire to communicate, friendliness, accessibility, and the sun.

Orange is a popular color in advertising because it catches attention. There’s even a theory that it stimulates appetite.

  • Green

Green is used to get the following impressions: growth, freshness, novelty, harmony, peace, equality, wealth, life. 

Green is a calming color that is frequently employed in the growth of companies and organizations that deal with the environment.

  • Purple

Purple itself is a complex color and represents individuality, greatness, mysticism, magic, mystery, originality, and creative energy.

Purple is considered the most expensive color from ancient times, because in Greece the paint of this color was obtained from a very rare algae. 

Because this color is particularly popular with children, it is frequently used in the packaging of sweets and toys.

Psychology of color in marketing

When designing a logo, keep in mind that certain colors are associated with specific items, but this is not a hard and fast rule that can be stated unequivocally.

It’s simply a repeatable pattern that can be broken.

If you are working on creating effective and memorable corporate symbols, remember what colors your competitors use, and figure out which one best suits your product.

Being a pioneer in this field, you can make a choice that will be considered by emerging competitors in the future.

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