How we hire freelance patent translators

One of our strengths is that we have 40 permanent translators and that our translation reviewers also work in-house. But we also have contracts with a few freelance patent translators.

Our sample translation for freelance patent translators is very difficult

When an applicant applies for a freelance translator position, we ask them to prepare a sample translation. The translation department that evaluates the test translations has very high expectations. We only accept translators who meet our quality standards. Only about 10% of applicants pass the test translation. We send regular translation jobs to only 3% of applicants.

If an applicant passes the test translation, we invite them to a face-to-face meeting or an interview via Skype. If the applicant successfully completes this, we conclude a contract with them. During the application process, we not only value whether the applicant is familiar with the ins and outs of patent translation, but also whether he has a sufficient understanding of the technical background of his field.

Our in-house patent translators have similar skills as patent engineers

 When a new translator joins us, a veteran teaches them the basics of patent translation OJT. In addition, new translators learn the basics of technical knowledge, where to find the right reference documents and how to study them. With this basic knowledge, our translators continue to learn in order to further improve their skills. Most of our permanent translators have 10+ years of translation experience.

 Since the passport translation department expects the same from freelance translators, they are of course evaluated very strictly. Nevertheless, we are very happy that we have found a few translators to whom we can send assignments on a regular basis.

However, as far as confidential documents, examination notices and court documents are concerned, we only translate them in-house. Security is of course a big issue, but even experienced freelance patent translators do not have much experience with such documents.

This is because, as a rule, examination notices and court documents are often translated within patent companies or by patent attorneys themselves due to their characteristic language.

Most of our translators have previously worked as in-house translators at a patent law firm, assisting patent attorneys in translating assessment notices and cited applications at the same level as patent engineers.

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They have read thousands of reference applications in Japanese, English and German and translated examination notices with sufficient understanding of the cited inventions.

That’s why our translators are used to dealing with inspection notices and court documents on a daily basis.

Education of the next generation

We also invest a lot of time and energy in the training of young employees. We are currently employing a few young translator candidates who have never had anything to do with patent translation before. It’s really rewarding to see them evolving every day. They are important employees who will inherit and pass on the LST

 DNA. So we can look to the future with hope.

Last year we also started the LST academy, a language school where our experienced translators teach patent translation and work to spread the charm of this profession. We want to raise awareness of German patent translation to inspire future translators so that not only our company but the profession as a whole becomes more alive.

Are you interested in becoming a freelance patent translator or do you have questions about our recruitment process? We are at your disposal.

How we hire freelance patent translators

One of our strengths is that we have 40 permanent translators and that our translation reviewers also work in-house. But we also have contracts with a few freelance patent translators.

Our sample translation for freelance patent translators is very difficult

When an applicant applies for a freelance translator position, we ask them to prepare a sample translation. The translation department that evaluates the test translations has very high expectations. We only accept translators who meet our quality standards. Only about 10% of applicants pass the test translation. We send regular translation jobs to only 3% of applicants.

If an applicant passes the test translation, we invite them to a face-to-face meeting or an interview via Skype. If the applicant successfully completes this, we conclude a contract with them. During the application process, we not only value whether the applicant is familiar with the ins and outs of patent translation, but also whether he has a sufficient understanding of the technical background of his field.

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